Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Losing my Mind

Have you ever been driving somewhere and suddenly you can't remember how to get there? You've been there a million times, you can picture where you want to be, but you can't remember which street it is on?

That happened to me today. Gary and I were going out for lunch and I offered to drive. We were halfway to the restaurant I chose, that we've been to several times and my mind went blank. "OK, I forgot where this place is again," I said. Luckily, Gary is used to my frequent brain fades, he reminded me and didn't think a thing about it.

Everyone experiences events like this once in a while. But I seem to be having "brain fades" much more often. I'll be talking to someone I've known for years and suddenly blank on their name. I'll be in the grocery store for just a few items and forget the most important one. I'll be upstairs to get something, but cannot remember what I went to get. Sometimes, I'll be in the middle of doing something, get distracted, and forget to go back to the original activity!

But the one that concerns me the most is driving. I have visions of me driving along and completely forgetting how to get back home.

My mom said it was caused by stress. When I'm stressed these events do seem to occur more often. But I have also noticed that they happen much more often the OLDER I get, not matter how much stress I'm under.

Not sure what I will do about this. Eat better? Do that. Exercise? Do that. Freak out? Well, I've been doing that, too. Maybe I'll have to bring it up to my doctor. (New Year's Resolution?)

With any luck, it isn't anything permanent and I'll just end up healthier because of the exercise and healthier foods. And if that doesn't work, I probably won't remember anyway.

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