Sunday, December 20, 2009

Freak Out Moment

While waiting for the season finale of Survivor tonight, we watched the end of 60 Minutes. The truth is, the only time I watch 60 Minutes is when football causes the Sunday evening shows to be delayed.

In this episode, Morley Safer interviewed Alec Baldwin. I enjoyed the interview -- that is, until Alec said he would be turning 50 in a couple of weeks.

What! How could Alec Baldwin be only 49! "I look younger than Alec Baldwin, don't I?" I asked my family in a panic. "Of course you do," they said in calming voices.

Though I felt much better, I was not convinced that he could be so young! I had to immediately Google the star. His birthday is in April and he was born in 1958.

At first I felt a little vindication -- he IS older than I am! Ha! But then it dawned on me, he was only 49 when the show was filmed.

I still cannot figure out why it would matter to me how old Alec is or how old he looks. It's not like I know him personally and can stand next to him telling all of our friends we are the same age, and let them tell me how great I look in comparison ... actually, I don't need Alec for that, that's what I do to my husband!


  1. I absolutely agree that he looks WAY older than you. And richer. And dumber.

  2. That's why we are such good friends!
