Sunday, May 16, 2010

And the Award for Worst Singer goes to...

My Mom was a horrible singer. If you did not know the song based on the words, you would NEVER know what it was based on the melody she sang.

In everyday life, being a bad singer is not a big deal. Though we teased her, it did not stop her from singing.

However, I HATED to sit near her in church. She would change octaves in the middle of a song -- sometimes in the middle of a phrase -- making it impossible to sing if you were next to her.

My Dad was not much better. He knew one note and every song he sang he used just that one note. At least he was not distracting and confusing. He never sang loud, so it was easy to just block him out.

Today in church I was trying to sing when I realized the notes were getting too high for me, so I switched octaves. I then realized the song was going too low and I couldn't do that either. So I opted to pick one note and sing the rest of the song using just that one note. Once I realized what I was doing, I nearly laughed.

Yeah, my Mom and Dad are definitely still a part of me.

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