Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Things added to List

I have a bunch of things to add to my list of New Things. (I've been in meetings for three days, putting words together well at this point will be tough.) I'm traveling for work in San Francisco and not only is this my first time here, it is a great city for first experiences!

1. I road a trolley! As soon as I knew I was coming here, I had this on my list of to do's.

2. I saw and climbed up the famous Lombard Street. The incline is much more intense than I expected!

3. Walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. Actually, on my list was to get a good look at it -- walking across is a good way to do that.

4. Saw a Redwood forest. This might be a little deceiving. There is a small park here in the city that boasts of having a Redwood forest. In reality, it is a small city park with 12-20 Redwoods. Still, I saw Redwoods!

5. Entered and finished a 12K race. I have never raced that distance before. By the way, that also means I set a personal record! We finished in 1:55:54.

6. I had dinner in a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. Maybe what this one should really be is that I visited a Chinatown -- but I like the fact we ate there, too.

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