Sunday, July 11, 2010

Going 50 mph at (Nearly) 50

On a recent long-weekend trip, my husband and kids thought it would be great if we would try a local zip line. In theory, this sounded like fun, but in the back of my mind, I kept expecting something to prevent it from happening. (Too costly, too life threatening, it was broken down...)

So it was with mixed emotions that I returned to the car from checking on prices to tell everyone it was within our price range. When the three of them got all excited, I decided I would do it too. It's not every day I'm offered the opportunity to ride a zip line, why not try it!

Though a little nervous, I was feeling absolutely fine until we rode the glass elevator to the top of the tower. The higher we went, the harder my heart pounded. As we stepped off the elevator and looked out the observation windows I started having a panic attack. "I can't do this!" I gasped. The looks on their faces started out as surprise. I think they were all thinking something like "What do you mean you can't do this simple thing?" Slowly, two of the faces turned to concern. They all gave me a few minutes to get used to the idea, I watched a couple of people go before us and I started to relax.

Finally it dawned on me -- how would I feel if I walked away? How would I ever look myself in the mirror if I didn't take this opportunity? And finally, I'm turning 50 this year -- I need to do things I have never done before.

After that, I was doing fine waiting. Actually, I was doing fine until I physically got into the chair hanging from the zip line at the launch site. Each hanging chair sits behind a metal gate. It was good they had the gate because it limited my view of the 230-foot drop before me. Again my heart started pounding so hard, I thought I would have a heart attack. But once I was belted in, there was no way I could back out.

The gate opened, I went out over nothing and had a split second of panic. I screamed once and then I was fine! I even released the death grip I had on the straps and put my arms out to my sides.

For about 70% of the ride, I was in the lead. Our daughter started to catch me, then slowly fell behind. Then suddenly our son passed me and he won. My hubby was last the entire way. By the way, when they say an "abrupt" stop, they are not understating the event. When you get to the end, you stop!

It was an absolute blast! That half mile at 50 mph went by so fast!

My legs were rubbery at the end, but I would love to do it again. I see a canopy tour in my near future!


  1. Looks pretty amazing!!! How fun that you were able to all share the experience:)

  2. I'm so glad I didn't chicken out!
